Indoco Remedies Ltd.

Announcement of Our new Logo & Brand Identity

 Introducing Indoco Remedies New Brand Identity 

We are proud to announce the launch of our new corporate brand identity with a redesigned logo. This new identity comes with Indoco entering into its 75th year of operations and at a time when the Company is on the verge of an unprecedented zeal for growth in its domestic and global operations.

The new identity captures our core values and the younger, bolder and dynamic nature of Indocoites. Our core values emerge from a story that started in 1945, when Late Mr. Govind Ramnath Kare founded 'Indo-Continental Trading Company'. A Story that is closely related to the Independence of India in the year 1947, when just 7 days after independence, we imbibed the Core Indian Values of "Respecting and Accepting Challenges". Our founder respected the Indian Government's decision to manufacture indigenous products and accepted the challenge to manufacture drugs in India, and so INDOCO REMEDIES LTD. was born on 23rd August, 1947.

The Core Values followed by our Chairman, Mr. Suresh G. Kare, became the Vision of Indoco that have given direction to Indocoites for over 5 decades. A Vision that has breathed life in our Mission to heal and protect lives of billions of hearts across the globe. Indoco has grown and evolved over seven decades. We felt that the time was right for a change, and to have a brand new logo that narrated our story.

The emphasized IR emblem in the logo represents the Younger, Bolder, Innovative and Dynamic nature of Indocoites. The bowing R of Remedies indicates the respectful bow to the Heart of India, atop the I, to bring out our Core Value, "Respectfully Indian at Heart, Global in Vision".

The colour blue in the Logo represent Trustworthiness, Strength and Confidence of Indoco. The central indent of the Indoco font to the IR Emblem represents the fine balance between respecting and accepting challenges, a virtue of Indocoites.

The gently curved lines in the logo font Indoco, represents Indocoites who have unique strengths and bring in different dimensions and variety of intelligence, yet smoothly move together, like the Logo, towards one goal. The Goal to provide the best in class quality healthcare to patients in India and across the globe.

We seek your support in updating the logo in your marketing materials, communication, display, etc. Thank you for your valuable support.

If you have any questions, please contact us on

- Created on 1st April, 2021